Embrace the power of Thor's legendary hammer! With it you are unstoppable, but if you lose it you're vulnerable!
- Game Jam Theme: You only get one
- Team Size: 3 members
- Engine: Unity
- Development Time: 24 Hours
- Game Mode: Single-player mission
- Concept & documentation
- Game Design (level & controls)
- Systems Design (mechanics)
- Programming (gameplay)
- Title art
Valhalla is a fast paced first person shooter where you play as Thor in an epic struggle against the invading Ice Giant hordes. With your hammer you can crush your foes and teleport across the map, killing everyone in your way. If your aim isn't true, you are powerless and must run across the map to recover your hammer like a mortal. Valhalla was made in Unity during a 24-hour game jam with a team of three. The theme of this Jam was "You only get one", which we chose to represent with the Thor's Hammer.
My Role
I was the sole designer on the project and designed the mechanics, gameplay, and helped program many of the features. Early on I identified that the 'safe play' was to throw your hammer at the closest enemy while playing defensively. I wanted players to feel empowered with the hammer, not weak so I added the ability to Teleport to your hammer on a successful hit and kill everything along the way. This encouraged risky plays such as lobbing your hammer over close enemies to hit the ones in the back and rewarded skilled players. I also designed the mechanics to capture the feeling of being the most powerful person in the world with the hammer, and the weakest one without it.
- The Team:
- Design and programming - Kevin Langendoen
- Programming and sound - Jacob Jarecki
- Art and textures - Misti Lommen